Charlotte Sartre is Laughing at the fact that she is wrestling Billy Boston. She is small and got destroyedby Lance Hart but now that she is impregnated by Lances Power seed, she has a new set of skills andpower to show off. Billy Boston thinks he just hasn't been able to get a break with his match ups. EvolvedFights has been throwing him to the wolves his previous pairing with the likes of Cheyenne Jewel andTori Avano who both have formal wrestling training. Billy is certain that because Charlotte is sosubmissive and small that he will finally be able to get his win and prove he's not a worthless male. Heshows off a little in round 2 which puts him in a good position for round 3. Round 3 is do it time for bothwrestlers. No one wants this sex fight to go to the judges decision so they are going all out to inflict thecoveted OOTM (Orgams on the Mat). One wrestler fails completely and gets the utter humiliation. Thewinner uses the loser for pain only. The loser must endure over the knee OTK Spanking and painfulcamel clutch submission holds. The Winner Squats over the losers face as if they are sitting on a toiletand makes the loser like their asshole clean with their "toilet paper tongue" then gets Piss in the mouthwithout ever getting the chance to cum. Loser is cut from the roster, and will not return after this utterlyhorrific loss and humiliation. Humiliation and Banished until proven worth of returning
Please give a warm welcome to Sailor Luna. She's a tall Blond all natural sweetheart from Sioux Falls.She's just a sweet darling and that makes for some really sex moments when we get to see her trappedunder the wicked goth girl, Charlotte Sartre. Sailor comes to us with ZERO wrestling experience. She isyour typical tall girl who thinks her size is going to win her the match today. She is so blown away byCharlotte's tenacity that Sailor has nervous giggles. Charlotte takes no mercy on Sailor and shuts thosegiggles up fast with hang gags ang pussy in the face. Sailor gets thrown around like a rag doll by thepetite brunette goth girl. It's pretty lop sided until we enter round 3 where orgasm on the mat can finishthe match in a blink of an eye. Sex fighting is a tricky business, you cum, you lose and if you have toomuch fun in the first two rounds that you get yourself turned on, it can be game over for you. The winnerdrops the loser down to her feet and makes the loser worship her sweaty toes. Loser is strapon fucked inthe pussy and then in the asshole. The ass is fucked so hard it gapes open. Loser is thrown into a camelclutch submission hold, Her hair pulled, her chick torqued. The loser is in terrible pain while the winner isin pleasure riding the back of the loser and coming all over her.
Just when you think it's over, it's only just begun. This match ends with an orgasm on the mat. You neverknow who's gonna get so turned on they cum and that's just what happens today. Kyra Rose is utterlydestroyed in the wrestling by our sexy long lethal legs Daisy Ducati but she fights very hard and eatspussy very well from the bottom. Her sex fighting is excellent and this puts Daisy into trouble. By round 3,Kyra knows it's do or Die. She comes out like a bat out of hell and goes straight for Daisy's pussy, usingher face as a tool. One of these wrestlers is so turned on by the foreplay of the fight that she orgasmshard on the mats and loses the match. We make the round continue until the clock runs out of time so thelady who orgasmed isn't allowed to fight back and she must take it for the duration of the round while shecums over and over and over again. Loser is trib fucked face sat and strap on fucked with the REALCOCK dildo. Her hair is pulled by while the winner utter dominates her.
Alexa Nova has been lucky so far. We have been giving her men who are lightweights and do not pose ahuge threat to her with their weight advantage. Tristan Twisted has some wrestling experience from hisschool years. He's not the biggest man on the roster but he has some moves. Fortunately for little missAlexa, this is a sex fight. She knows how to get favor in the judges' eyes by getting her legs around heropponent and grabbing at his dick at all times. Tristan often forgets to go for the sexual stuff because heis so focused on physically dominating his opponent. The match has a lot of back and forth action withboth wrestlers getting advantages and putting their opponent into trouble. The Winner is announced after3 full rounds of wrestling. The loser is finger fucked in their hole while the winner smiles and drools overtheir pain stricken face. The loser is ass fucked good and hard and left with something to remember thematch by.
Leya Falcon is doing her first try at wrestling for Evolved Fights Lesbian Edition. She is taking oneveryone's favorite MILF, Penny Barber. Penny Barber is the best Wrestler mommy for a new girl to startwith because she's sexy, slutty and talks more shit than any other wrestler on our roster. If you can last amatch with the torment that Penny dishes out, you can last a match with anyone. Leya puts up a goodfights but let's face it, Penny destroys her in the wrestling rounds. The way our rules are set up, ifsomeone orgasms in the 3rd round, they lose. So Leya is planning on taking it easy the first two roundsand then pouncing on Penny in round 3 and making her cum. If you have followed Penny's wrestlingcareer, she has a weakness for ladies and she does have a tendency of cumming on the mats. Round 3is anyone game even though rounds 1 and 2 where total domination by Penny Barber using her gift wrap, face sitting and leg scissors. The Winner gets to use the REAL COCK to fuck the loser. The loser mustgive the winner a foot job and then give up the ass. The loser is fucked so hard her asshole gapes wideopen and we get a good look of what losers are made of.
Bella Rossi Returns to the mats. She has only had luck with one man so far on Evolved Fights. Shewants to have another lucky day. Ran MysteriHole is her today. He wears a mask to protect his identity.He doesn't need the world knowing he beats up women and fucks them. The deal is that Ran can wearthis mask only if he wins. If he loses he will be unmasked and the world will be shown who this cockymother fuck her. Ran came into our studio bragging about how strong he is and how he would "take iteasy on Bella" He saw Bella's huge natural tits and figured she wouldn't stand a chance. Both Bella andAriel Laughed in Ran's masked face when he explained he had no wrestling experience but he liftedweights so he will win. The match starts with a flurry. These wrestlers bounce off walls and reverse eachother so many times within the first few seconds of round 1. Ran does seem to put Bella in trouble attimes. However one wrestler dominates and take their prize. The loser is humiliated by lick all the dirtyparts of the winner. The loser licks and sniffs the ass, feet and armpits of the winner. Then the loser isfucked and made to cum against their will.
She ended up losing to Cheyenne asmost people do but she did demonstrate some serious skill and sexual aggression against a formidableopponent. Tori Avano has not done a lesbian wrestling match yet. This is her first time testing herselfagainst another female in a sex fight. Tori has done a few matches for the mixed wrestling and she haslegit grappling skill. What Tori really succeeds in is her sexual aggression. She is pussy and cock hungryand she is always getting her grabs in. This match between these two curvy latina babes starts out withtwo styles that cancel each other out bringing into a tied round 1. Jasmeen has more powerful wrestlingskills while Tori is much more sexually aggressive. When tori gets top position, she is constantlyscissoring Jasmeen with Trib fucking, getting Jasmeen horny and wet and unable to think about anythingbut tits and ass. This match is close and demonstrates well what a real sex fight is all about. Only onecan win today. The Winner strap on fucks the loser then puts her REALCOCK in the losers ass hole andgoes to town until the loser is drained completely, laying on the floor wanting more and more.
Mona "the Erection" Wales is on our mats for her first taste of the Evolved Fights Match rules. She hassome wrestling experience and is known for humiliating her opponents in her prize rounds. She hassome long, dangerous legs that trap her opponents and make them submit frequently. Today she istaking on Will Havoc who has a pretty good record for Evolved Fights, especially considering we havethrown him to some of our most skilled Females ( like Dee williams and Mistress Kara). Will is thrilled toget another blond pornstar to take on. He's been having good luck with them. This match is truly acompetitive sex fight. Both wrestlers are so intent on winning that they often forget to go for their sexpoints and tend to go for more submissions. There are many submissions and thanks to our penaltyrules, this makes for some really intense ( and often painful and humiliating) penalty segments. TheWrestlers go for ass sniffing and spanking for the penalties to get in their dominance even on the breaks.One wrestler squeaks by with a victory, ties up the loser and fucks and humiliates the poor loser bitch.
Stephie Staar and Anastasia Rose are making their debut for lesbian wrestling on evolved Fights Leztoday. Both girls do have wrestling experience and this becomes evident as they pin each other and usetheir legs to get submissions on each other. While they do have wrestling experience, what makes thismatch shine in the sexual competitiveness from each girl. These girls are hell-bent on making each othercum. One girl is pinned and finger fucked in the asshole until she is saved by the bell. Don't put yourmoney on anyone just yet. Just when you think you know who's taking the prize, there is an orgasm onthe mats for a sudden victory in round 3. The winner is allowed to continue to torment the weak freshlycumdrunk loser. The winner fucks the loser's asshole until it's loose and ready for the next fighter tocome in and fuck. This match as intense Boston crab from the knees submissions, leg scissors, head
Petite Blond With Big tits and Big Ass, Nikki Delano is no stranger to the mats. She has wrestled beforehowever, this is her first time taking on a Man in competitive Wrestling. She believes that because shegrew up on the mean streets of New York that she will be able to handle her own against Will Havoc. Willhas been making a name for himself pinning blonds and fucking them. His last match with London Rivershowed us how Men can handle business when they need to. This match is nearly one sided. Onewrestler just can't handle the skill of the other. The wrestler is trapped on the mats, pinned and fondled.The loser loses so badly they are tied up and fucked. They are so unnerved about their loss, we had toput them in bondage because we didn't think they would take the loss well. In Rope bondage they haveto take it and boy oh boy it's fun to see.
Daisy "Lethal Legs" Ducati has some of the most dangerous legs in the game. Once she wraps thosebad boys around you, it's "Goodnight Irene!" Kelli Provocateur is laughing herself to the bank when shelooks at Daisy's legs compared to her own. Kelli is Petite but she has some serious muscle belly on everymuscle group. Kelli is so confident that her muscles will dominate Daisy today that Kelli is putting her asson the line...literally. She is giving up anal today if she loses. Not to be shown up for anything, DaisyDucati also antes anal. Kelli has a very interesting strategy for this match and it's so fucking crazy that itmight just work. Kelli knows that the only way Orgasms are instant victory is when they occur in the thirdround. Because Kelli is so fucking horny, she actually let's Daisy make her cum in rounds one and twoand Daisy legitimately does wear herself out working so hard to rip those orgams out of this littlechocolate slut, Kelli. It all cums down to round 3, pun intended. One girl walks out of round 3 a hornycumdrunk mess, the other is wearing a strap on cock. Loser promised to give up the ass and that is justwhat happens. After a good hard fucking and trib fuck session, The winner picks up the loser and carriesher off the mats.
Lance Hart is Undefeated going into this match. He loves wrangling his losers and putting his seed onthem or in them. Today if he wins, He will give Lauren's holes a test drive and see if they are worthy oftaking his seed to carry his baby. The last two of his victims had to have a battle on our lesbian site tosee who would be worth of Carrying his baby. To see how things went down between Charlotte Sartreand Lydia Black go to Today,Lauren Philips is sure she is going to break Mr. Harts's win streak. Lauren has been doing Xfit and she isconfident her training will get her the "W" on Lance. The problem is, one of these wrestlers is reallyticklish. The wrestler is tickled until they are snorting and can't breathe. Penetration while pinned happens,There are a lot of dominate holds and positions in the match. The winner fucks the loser's mouth and Assthen leaves the Loser covered in cum
Jenevieve Hexxx and Alexa Nova are two Petite scrappers ready to put their assholes on the line. Eachgirl is confident she is going to win. The Girls are similar in size and strength. The one deciding factor inthis match is who is the most horny. Both girls grab for cunts and tits at all times. They may not have elitewrestling skills but they both are extra horny and willing to do whatever it takes in order to make theiropponent cum on the mats. Both girls have lethal leg moves that are able to sweep their opponents.Because both girls use leg moves a lot this leads to them ending up in very erotic lesbian scissorpositions where they lock up pussy to pussy and try to trib fuck each other. Today the winner uses a Realcock dildo to fuck her loser. This dick looks real and feels real which makes the humiliation feel that muchmore real as well. Loser is fucked in the Asshole and pussy with her legs spread while she displays herlosers holes for everyone to use.
This match brings you Elite Military Combatants going at it like only the Navy vs Marines can. AluraJenson is ex Navy, Will Tile is ex Marines. These two are lethal and they know it so they play nice for thewrestling in the begining but once their natural competitive nature sets in, it's a battlefield on our mats.The power on each of these wrestlers is impressive. At one point Alura throws Will 180 degrees into theair. Real wrestling is 1000X more exciting than the WWE crap stunts you see on TV. Where else are yougoing to see a Beautiful, Blonde, Big Titttied MILF Judo Throw a Grown ass man???? One thing is forsure, who ever loses this match is NOT going to be able to lay there and take it like a loser. Even after aloss, the loser has to talk trash. This makes for some very interesting sex talk!
Brandi "the boulder" Mae is a muscular superwoman taking on a lean, mean Cheyenne Jewel. Watchingthese two muscle goddesses clinch up is utterly hot. Their muscles ripple and flex with every hold.Cheyenne Jewel gets caught in Brandi's Legs and it looks like trouble to Cheyenne. Brandi Mae is sopowerful and strong, that once she grabs a hold of you, it is virtually impossible to get break free. Wehave 20-second penalties after a submission which are great for building women up for orgasms. Thewinner is announced after 3 hard fought wrestling rounds. The winner makes the loser worship her feetand muscles. The winner slams the loser down on the mat with a snap mare and then face sits her. TheWinner uses the loser entire body as her toy. The two wrestlers trib fuck, face fuck and body fuck. Thewinner uses the losers bicep for a masturbation toy then sits on her face, has an orgasm and the lifts andcarries the loser off the mats.
Dee Williams is a legit Grappler. She is a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and she has a lot of matexperience under her belt. She's super competitive but she's also super submissive. She also is a bigwhore for orgasms and if she is close to getting some guys face on her cunt or buried into her pussy, sheeasily gives up control just to get her sexual satisfaction fulfilled. This is all fun and games until she startslosing in the Judge's eyes. This is a Winner fucks loser style sex fight. The better sex fighter WILL winand HE WILL be able to do whatever he wants to her. Jay West is one of our smaller gentlemen, but hehas magnificent balls of steel that can be pulled, stretched, slapped, and punched, and all it really does tohim is give him a boner, and when he gets a boner, he actually starts to wrestle harder. Darling puts Jayinto some insanely painful holds. She gets him into a banana split and slaps his balls, slapping andtugging them. She holds him down by the throat and torments his nut sack with her hand and her teeth.Jay's boner powers activate, and his wrestler starts to come out. He is able to pin Dee, shoulders down,nipples getting licked, Dee panics and turns into a damsel in distress. Is This enough to win Jay West thematch? The loser is announced, the Winner takes their prize. The loser is made to cum with squirtingorgasm all over the place. The winner gathers all the cum and makes the loser eat their own cum
Serene Siren Dominated our MILF tournament. That mini-tournament doesn't count towards her recordhowever so this match is her first "official" lesbian match since it's the first time she takes on 1 wrestlerfor 3 full rounds. Bella Rossi is a seasoned sex fighter. She knows how to inflict orgasms with ease.Serene comes out like a bat out of hell who is high off her MILF tournament victories and getting fuckedin the locker room by Brandi Mae and Sofie Marie. Serene taps out Bella quick in round 1 and lets Bellaknow she needs to step up her game. These girls get so horny during the wrestling that one wrestlersuccumbs to orgasm on the mat in round 3 and her opponent takes the instant victory. These two rubpussy to pussy until both cum but the winner gets to wear a strap on and fuck the loser by pounding herpussy hard. Winner lifts and carries the loser of the mat and takes her home for more fucking
Rick Fantana has been training after his devastating loss to the muscular powerful babe Brandi Mae.Rick is confident that Brandi's muscles won the last match and with little Arielle Aquinas being his newopponent, he's condifent he is going to get an easy win today. Arielle is an avid watcher of WWEwrestling. She thinks she will be able to smacktalk her way to a victory today. She's in for a rudeawakening when she steps into a competitive match on evolve fights. Rick easily has his way with Ariellehowever he keeps putting his head into her pussy to eat it and Arielle is quick to snap on her lethal headscissors. The Winner gets a total victory and fucks the loser hard and claims their prize they way theywant to.
Daisy "Lethal Legs" Ducati is on the mats doing our Lesbian wrestling today. She has wrestled manytimes for our Mixed wrestling site and we keep bringing her back because she lives up so well to herwrestling name "Lethal Legs". She's a tall dark beauty who dominates physically, mentally, sexually, we really need to go on? Daisy is the full package. Today, The full package is taking on asmall package. Little miss Gabriella Paltrova also lives up to her wrestling name "Fun Sized Human."Gabriella is a Petite woman with a curvy physique that will drive you crazy. She's got natural tits and assthat are so firm and juicy we are scared our wrestlers are going to start throwing matches just soGabriella will put her big beautiful ass on their face. Despite her fun size, Gabriella is a demon on themats. She's hardcore and never gives up. We want to make our matches more sexual so we haveintegrated a penalty segment anytime there is a submission. If there is a submission during the fight, Thewrestler to administered and successfully applied the submission will get 20 seconds to do anything shewants to the person who submitted. There is no fighting back during this 20-second penalty. The personto submitted must lay there and take it. We get many orgasms during this time which are not countedtowards the outcome of the score because the clock is stopped during this penalty time. This is a closematch judging by the score. But only one girl can win. The winner fucks the Loser with Hair pulling, handgagging, hardcore pussy fucking so deep it leaves the loser's pussy gaping open. Then let loser is fuckedso hard anally that her asshole gapes wide open and never closes. Poor loser, now everyone will knowshe lost today because her butthole won't close.
This match is a perfect example of how skill trumps size. We have a Tiny Woman witch taking on a200lb dude. His Trash talk game is strong and he is able to pin her and get fingers in her ass while shereluctantly takes it and screams about it. The Witch seems to be getting help from her invisible friendsshe has summoned. She truly believes she has spirit guides helping her in her match and up until the lastround, the large man mocks her about her insane notion. The trash talk just fuels her fire and puts her onthe defense. She starts to play dirty. She grinds his balls, bits his dick during the penalty segments andshe even kicks him away. After one hard fought, really close match the score is settled. A 1pt differencedetermines the winner. The Winner fucks the loser in the ass. You have never seen someone made sohumble in their life. Taking it in the asshole after a loss is TERRIBLE but that's the price you pay whenyou come on the mats here. The loser is handcuffed and denied orgasm.
Charlotte Sarte and Lydia Black have both been defeated on the Mixed wrestling site by the Chokefucker, Lance Hart. Once Lance defeats his victims, he likes to fill their holes up with his man seed in hopes of impregnating them to carry his babies. Both these losers have gotten filled up or glazed by Lance's seed and now these two goth girls fight to see who will be the one to win Lance's Heart over enough to have him chose her to carry his baby. The fight starts out playful and soon turns ugly. One wrestler lets her mean streak come out in round 3. One wrestler is pinned, trapped and licked to orgasm against her will. The Winner fucks the Loser in all her holes and humiliates her for Lance
This is the prize round for Bella Rossi vs Ruckus. Bella Rossi has beaten the strong male wrestler andnow she gets to take her prize. She makes Ruckus pleasure her with pussy licking, fingering and a goodfucking. Bella makes Ruckus lay down so she can wrap her powerful legs around his throbbing cock andstroke it with her leg muscles. Ruckus gets he dick choked by her powerful thights and then he is madeto worship her beautiful feet.
Ariel X and Bella Rossi are doing a competitive sex fight. They both have great experience which isdisplayed in their match with amazing holds. The action is back and forth as both girls try to get theiropponent to cum. In round 3, both girls are allowed to wear strapon cocks in an attempt to penetrate theiropponents to try to get the "instant victory" via "Orgasm on the Mat." One of these wrestlers completelydominates the other with brutal humiliating holds. The winner is allowed to do whatever she wants, andtoday the loser wants to fuck the loser hard and fast, making her cum over and over. The winner lifts andcarries the loser and throws her into one sex position to the next completely having her way with her.
Our Favorite FBB Ebony MILF is back on the mats today taking on a man who towers over her. TonyOrlando has yet to win a match, so we have paired him with a petite MILF to see how he fends againsther. He is able to get her back a few times and get her pinned long enough to suck on her chocolate tits.Kelli does have some quick moves in her arsenal, however. We are giving you a warning here. There isPEGGING in this video. The winner gets to fuck the loser how the winner wants. The Winner picks up theloser and drags them into the locker room to get ass fucked. Kelli Provocateur has completely dominatedher match with Tony Orlando. She submitted his bitch ass over and over again, and now it's time to fuckhis bitch ass. But First Kelli gets to claim her prize. Kelli starts with some muscle worship. She flexes herbiceps and makes Tony kiss them. Then she pops her pec in his face. The muscle worship leads down toher swollen fat clit and Kelli makes Tony suck her fat beefed up clip, Kelli sits on Tony's face and useshim for her pleasure before she drags his ass into the locker room. She throws him onto the bench andgets her strap on cock on. She makes him suck her cock before she bends him over for a good hard assfucking. She flips Tony over and fucks his ass until he cums. Tony eats his cum like a little sissy bitch
Dee Williams comes to the Lesbian Edition for the first time. She is taking Gabriella Paltrova. Gabriellahas been training and thinks that because Dee is a little closer to her size that she will be able to have abetter chance against her than she did with Daisy. These girls are highly turned on by each other andgive a very sensual match with a lot of Lesbian Kissing. The winner is called after 3 rounds. The Winnerhas her way with her prize, fucking her pussy then her ass, making the loser cum over and over and overagain. The Winner has a butt plug in her ass. She feeds the ass juices from the plug to the loser makingthe loser eat her juices with ass to mouth (ATM). The loser is fucked so hard her pussy is left gapingopen. The loser is lifted and Carried off the mats.
Today we have two pints sized fighters on the mats. Jay West at 125lbs and Gabbi Paltrova at 115lbs.Gabriella trains regularly with weights. She was a swimmer and gymnast in school and used to be adancer. Gabi has been into sports her entire life. She's a natural athlete with a big round perfect ass andperky natural tits Her upper body strength is incredible. Jay West is coming in with better conditioningthan his past matches. He is utterly ashamed of his past losses, and he wants to get revenge today. Thismatch is close in size and skill... Jay West is really determined to prove himself today after all his loses.He knows that if he doesn't win a match soon, he will be suspended until 2019. That means his livelyhood AND his manhood are being threatened here. He really needs to win this match. If Gabriella loses,she's going to get her fat ass stretched out with a former losers cocks...The stakes are high! These twofight dirty, they rip at each other's crotches in brutal fashion. One wrestler is able to get huge advantagesand get on top for most of the match. They pin each other and grope anything they can find. After threerounds, there is a clear winner. The winner is gleaming with pride and makes the loser grovel. The loser mustlick dirty toes and get fucked. The loser receives more crotch attacks and gets a nice hot load in their loserface at the end of the prize round. The Winner picks the loser up and carries the loser home to rub inmore humiliation.
London River is a tall blonde Amazon with stripper strength. She's a dance so her upper body hasdeveloped great power. Charlotte Sartre is a lean Goth Beauty. She doesn't have a lot of wrestlingexperience but she is a huge pervert and since this sex fight is judged on how sexually aggressive eachplayer is, Charlotte stands a chance to win even though she is much smaller than her opponent. Thesegirls fight their hearts out. One girl is pinned and finger fucked. She is trapped and fingered until she isalmost brought to tears. The winner gets to strap on fuck the loser. The loser must lick the toes of thewinner then lick her sweaty armpits. The loser is strap on fucked while the winner does hair pulling andfish hooking.
London River is a tall lean blond with big tits and long legs. She doesn't have a lot of wrestling experiencebut she does have stripper strength which is nothing to laugh at. She is taking an adorable manbabytoday. Tony Orlando is your friendly neighborhood porn guy who loves to read comics and ice hisbutthole after matches like today. This match ends early because one wrestler can not continue. Hewears himself out in the first few minutes and then becomes a worthless pile of meat and bones for theAmazon goddess to toy with. London throws the loser on his back and the sits on his face and uses it forher pleasure. She's not entirely evil. She does spit in Tony's mouth and on his cock and gives him areach around before she ruins his cock with a vibrator. First, London uses the vibrator on her pussy whileshe rides Tony's face so she can cum all over him while he licks her asshole. After she has had enoughorgasms, she focuses on making her prize come. She holds the vibrator on his cock until he's twitchingand flopping around in a more pathetic way than the way he flopped around trying to wrestle. She makeshim cum and the wipes his nut all over his adorable face.
Both of these fine female sexual athletes are undefeated so far. Serene had an impressive debut on ourLesbian edition MILF tournament where she completely dominated muscle babe, Brandi Mae andEndurance Athlete "Iron Woman" Sofie Marie. Today, Serene is going to have her hands full with thesexual aggression from Jenevieve Hexxx. Last month we saw Jenevieve's sex fighting skills as sheutterly destroyed Alexa Nova's Pussy and asshole in all all out pussy mulling sex fight. Jenevieve iscounting on her "entities" to help her get her win today. Serene is counting on her lust for pussy and titsto get her enough sexual arousal to get her victory. The winner of this match decides to be a little moreromantic with her prize round. The winner makes the loser fuck her and 69 for the duration of theprize which makes for some excellent lesbian passion sex. Loser is drained of orgasms until she is leftmotionless on the mats.
This match was shot before the 20-sec penalty addition. Bella Rossi is coming off a loss to Max Blunts. She wants revenge on a man, and today, Mr. Shawn Fox is her opponent and what Bella thinks is going to be her victim. Shawn comes in cocky, and he lives up to his own hype after he wins the first round. Bella has a great come back in round two. She learns to keep her shoulders off the mats to avoid the pins.She's able to do a lot of sexual stuff from the bottom as well which the judges love. Round 3 is do or die. Whoever wins this round gets to do whatever HE or SHE wants to their opponent. Shawn wins the roundafter Bella wears herself out. He takes his time pounding Bella, building her up to orgasms and then denying her of the pleasure. Shawn shuts Bella up while he fucks her by putting his giant hand over hermouth to muffle her moans. Then he cums on her big natural tits.
Two sexy models Both over 6ft Tall take each other on in competitive Lesbian wrestling. Rocky Emersonhas wrestling experience from her school years. She is a slight Height advantage over miss Lux. Lux hasdone lesbian wrestling in the past and has always wanted to be in the WWE. She has a jobber kind ofattitude, so she is in for a world of hurt today since this is REAL wrestling with no predeterminedoutcomes. Her dramatic Antic are great for the WWE but will they do her any good here where we haveevolved. These girls both have legs for days, but Lux Lives does have a significant weight advantage. After avery hard-fought sexy battle, the winner is determined. The loser is fucked with a miserable look on herface. She really really did not want to lose today. The winner fucks the loser and cums all over her.
Penny Barber is everyone's favorite Taboo Fetish MILF. She's a tall Brunette with big lactating tits andstrong legs that can crush any creature who dare to step into her trap. Mickey Mod is a studly Ebony manwith BBC that will make you submit to it just by looking at it. Mickey has some training in Hapkido and isconfident that his abilities on the Mat will dominate over Penny Barber who seems to be a one-trick pony.Penny likes to pull guard which in Evolved rules, is not great since it does put her shoulders on the matfor a pin which gives favor in the Judge's eyes to her opponent who is able to Pin her. However, Pennypulls guard and uses her giftwrap move to hold her opponent, sweep him and generall have her way withhim. Mickey has really good stregth and he's really great at being a pervert so he is able to get somegreat moves on Penny. He has a good strategy for the match. When Penny gets "penalties" on him, heeats her pussy good in order to get her close to orgasm. He knows that if he can get her to cum in the 3rdround, he will get an instant victory and be able to dominate her. After 3 hard fought rounds, the winneris announce to take their prize. The winner spanks the loser, and rubs their feet all over them. Thewinner fucks the loser good and hard until Penny is cuming over and over then Mickey finally cums andshoots his hot load deep into mommy's pussy with an incredible creampie ending.